Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our busy boy outside & others

You all know Kaden loves outside. Here are some pictures from the other day. He's such a busy boy. He goes from one toy to another in a matter of moments.

Pool time with Marie

Then off to the slide (carrying his chalk and small shovel)

And then he went to check out the sandbox (I try to never let pool time and sandbox time happen at the same time -- it's SO hard to clean the kids after these days)

And since the sandbox was covered, he went over to write on the wall

Carrying his chalk and thinking of what else he could do....Photobucket

Oh yes! Eat it!

Kaden has finally figured out how to go up the "rock wall" part of his slide.




Our little climber---

see the chair to the right of the water table? Kaden walked over to it and climbed up it like a ladder, then put his leg over into the water table and proceeded to sit down. He did this so easily, just like that's how he's suppose to.


He's figured out how to crawl underneath his slide castle. He decided it was a great place to draw with this chalk!

And climbing out...

I've been working with him on using a plate (we worked a couple weeks on this) and then recently I added him using his utensils. He's doing pretty good. Here he is working with a fork.

He still loves wearing his hats. I think it's so adorable when he wears them while eating!

Licorice and books --- could it get any better?


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