Friday, January 25, 2008

Playing at the park

Mommy and Daddy took me to the park by our house today. I had a lot of fun. I got to play in the swings and go down the slide. I went down the slide all by myself. I smiled and laughed while on the slide. Talbot got to come with us. Here are some pictures from our day:

10 months old!

I turned 10 months old today - Jan. 25! Can you believe that I'm 10 months old? Mommy & Daddy can't, but they do LOVE how fun I am. I have a wonderful, fun personality and smile a lot. I love to chat, cuddle, and play.

Crawling away....

Can you believe this was me just 10 months ago?! WOW!


Mommy and Daddy bought me some crayons last weekend. I got to have my first time coloring. I did so good. I figured out how to do it right away. I only tried to eat the blue crayon once. Okay, twice, but it's only because I wasn't sure what it was.


I figured out how to share my food with my dog, Talbot, the other day. I hold a piece of food in between my fingers, look for her, then yell out "dog", "dog". She comes over to me and I give her a bite. I'm such a nice sharer.

I'm getting bigger each week.

I found Talbot's water dish while crawling around one day. WOW!!!! I didn't even know we kept buckets of water around the house. Why has no one introduced me to this fun before? I splashed and splashed and splashed. I tried crawling over there today and the water dish is gone. Hmm...guess I'll have to keep exploring until I can find it again.
Walking around, looking out the window, and trying to figure out how to get behind the TV, which Mommy & Daddy have blocked off.
Look at my spiked mohawk!!

Side shot.
Being tricky in the kitchen. I love to crawl to the cabinets and drawers and pull them out. I haven't started emptying the drawers/cabinets yet, but Mommy knows it won't be long!
My friends and I. Now that we can all three sit, we're having so much fun together. We like to laugh with each other and chat all day. Sometimes we're tricky and we decide to have "no-nap" days. My mommy really likes these days. I'm pretty tricky now that I'm more mobile. Look at how I stepped up on the walker toy that Quinn was playing with.
Last weekend my Mommy, Daddy, and I went to our friend Jacob's Bar Mitzvah. I got to stay up past my bedtime, which doesn't happen much. I was a very good baby (of course) and smiled a lot. This is me at the reception.
Daddy let me try his pickle. I loved it!
Good morning!!!
Another tricky shot.. I love to play underneath the walker toy.

One day the triple stroller was moved out of its regular spot, and guess what I found---the fireplace! I didn't even know that was there. And better yet...inside the fireplace are rocks! I wonder why Mommy keeps putting the triple stroller in-front of this new found toy? It's much harder to reach this way. Maybe one of you could ask her to nicely move it, she's not listening to me when I tell her.
I love to hang on to objects and walk around. I can go from the toys to the bookcase to the TV stand and all the way across. It's so much fun. I'm really getting to be such a big boy!
Hi Mom!

Exploring....I started out by facing the caterpillar toy. I then crawled underneath it, turned myself around to my back, stood up , then continued to walk all the way to the other side of the triple stroller. Mommy's having a hard time keeping up!

Just playing.
I have always loved my jumperoo. I recently discovered that there are two objects -a blue frog and red bird- above me. I can grab on to them and pull them down like this....
...and when I let go the bounce up in the air. It's really fun!
I finally figured out how to feed myself!! Mommy has been giving me puffs, cheerios, bread, etc...all kinds of foods on my high chair tray for weeks, but I have always refused to feed myself. I will pick the food up, but once she tried to move my hand to my mouth, I would drop the food. Then last weekend Mommy & Daddy bought me Goldfish crackers. They were just the right size for me and I FINALLY figured out how to feed myself. Yay! Mommy is so relieved that she doesn't have to sit by me to feed me every single Cheerio/Goldfish/Graham cracker that I eat!

Crawling and Duck

I figured out how to crawl like a real baby this past week. Now I'm pretty good at it. Here are a few videos from the first couple days when I was more mobile.

Ignore my fussiness in this one...

I can also say the word "duck", as you will hear. (or mommy & daddy are just imagining that's what I'm saying because they know I'm a genius) Other words I can say are "walk" (sounds like -alk), dog, snack (sounds like -ack"), mama, dada.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pepsi Can and a sippy cup

Who knew that a Pepsi can could be so much fun!??!

Mommy & Daddy finally found a sippy cup that works really well with me. One with a straw!!