We had a great time visiting friends and family while we were in Iowa. It was great for Kaden to finally meet all his family members. He did well for most of the trip, however, you could tell he was tired of traveling by the end. He still is not the same baby he was before we left---he's a bit more fussy and not as easily self-entertained. I think he's worried we still may leave him. He's getting better though, and I'm sure in a couple weeks he'll be back to normal. The worst part is that he still does not enjoy car rides like he used to, after going for several 1+ hour long car rides in Iowa. Now after 10-15 minutes in the car he will cry. We REALLY hope this passes! I will start doing daycare tomorrow (Monday) so Kaden will have Baby Quinn to play with (who is only 9 days younger than him!). I'm excited to see their reactions to one another.
Here are some pictures from our trip. Kaden's favorite thing about our trip was getting to see his cousin Jordon's horses. He really liked the horses, and was happy that Jordon took him for a ride. When we took him to a rodeo, he would track the horses in the arena very intently. Other things he enjoyed on vacation: swimming, playing at the playground, meeting family, plane rides, and his baptism.
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