Thursday, August 6, 2009

*sigh* Last day....

Today was my last day of being a stay-at-home-mom. *sigh* This summer has flown by and Kaden and I have had so much fun together. We've traveled, visited familiy/friends, had many picnics, hung out in our jammies until noon, read countless books, gone to storytimes, the zoo, the children's museum, and many parks. I have loved it, but it had to come to an end....

Tomorrow Will comes for the day, and on Monday Elena and Matthew start, and later in the week Will and Emma. Starting on the 17th all 4 kids plus Kaden will be here. Our days will be busy and Kaden will love having friends, and I am excited to start doing daycare again, but nothing can replace just being a mom.

Here is a picture from today from our last today --


Painting outside in the middle of the afternoon. I have loved being able to do spur-of-the-moment crafts around the house, which is something that isn't as easy to do with 5 kids that are 2 and under.

Here are also a few from the past week--

Loving his desk (getting his crayons out of his drawer)


Water table fun




As for daycare... I do have 4 kids that will be starting in the next week or so. Matthew is a week older than Kaden and I'm super excited about this. They are going to love having one another and will form a great friendship (I hope) and will get to learn about sharing and taking turns together (hopefully in the nicest way possible). Elena is about an year and a half, Will just turned 4 months, and Emma is 3 months. Busy, busy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the updated pictures on the blog. We know that you are busy and family time is precious!! We wish you well with all the kids at Daycare; it should be FUN x five. I think it is time to see Kaden & you all before school starts for us. Hope to see you soon. Love you all,
Mom, Dad, & Nicole